
Frome object to iframe--other embedding technologies

iframes in detail

iframe {
border: none;
<a href="/en-US/docs/Glossary">
Fallback link for browsers that don't support iframes

<iframe> border: none 默认有边界,去边界。 allowfullscreen If set, the <iframe> is able to be placed in fullscreen mode using the Fullscreen API src 来源 width and height 长宽高 sandbox


Note: In order to improve speed, it's a good idea to set the iframe's src attribute with JavaScript after the main content is done with loading. This makes your page usable sooner and decreases your official page load time

always use the sandbox attribute

If absolutely required, you can add permissions back one by one (inside the sandbox="" attribute value) — see the sandbox reference entry for all the available options. One important note is that you should never add both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin to your sandbox attribute — in that case, the embedded content could bypass the Same-origin policy that stops sites from executing scripts, and use JavaScript to turn off sandboxing altogether.

The <embed> and <object> element

<embed> <object>

URL of the embedded contentsrcdata
accurate media type of the embedded contenttypetype
height and width (in CSS pixels) of the box controlled by the pluginheight
names and values, to feed the plugin as parametersad hoc attributes with those names and valuessingle-tag <param> elements, contained within <object>
independent HTML content as fallback for an unavailable resourcenot supported (<noembed> is obsolete)contained within <object>, after <param> elements
<object dataj= "mypdf.pdf" type= "application/pdf" width ="800" height ="1200">
You don't have a PDF plugin, but you can
<a href= "mypdf.pdf">download the PDF file. </a>